
For this week's assignment, we were tasked to develop a simple prototype using cardboard, in this case, I chose to do up a phone holder.


wooden phone holder

This was made when I was sec 1 for one of my D&T projects. With this along with reference to what I found online, I tried to make it foldable.


prototype sketch
  1. I sketched out the dimensions in 3D roughly on paper and outlined it with a black marker for better visibility. My intention was to make a whole piece with folds so that it could become a box.
  2. I drew out all the parts onto the cardboard in one long continuous strip as shown in the picture below:
  3. I use stripes to indicate which areas I need to cut out and remove.
  4. After cutting them out using a penknife, scissors and a ruler, I scored lines where I needed the cardboard to fold as well as for the flaps.
  5. Fold into a box and make a valley on the parts where your phone should rest on.

Hero Shots

heroshot 1


  • It can withstand the weight of the phone while it rests on its length
  • small, can fit into bag
  • can stored small trinkets inside, even tissue if possible
  • Cons

    gaps in the prototype

  • Not as tight fitting as I would liked (some gaps)
  • Did not manage to achieve my goal of it being foldable as I realized in order for the flaps to fit securely, the base needs to be glued together.
  • Can’t hold the weight of the phone when its placed vertically